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CDA Portfolio Course




Are you READY to EARN YOUR Child Development Associate❓The 2nd step to earning your CDA is to curate a portfolio; we are here to help! 💕OUR CURRICULUM COVERS: 💕 ♡Steps Earning Your CDA Worksheet ♡CDA Portfolio Template (53 Pages) INCLUDED! —VALUE $25 ♡Weekly Lesson Plans for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers + Pre-K Classrooms —Value $10 YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO CREATE AN AWESOME: ♡ Lunch Menu for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers ♡ Weekly Lesson Plan ♡How to Write an Effective Lesson Plan ♡How to Write an Effective Competency Statement ♡Lesson Activities for Infants/Toddlers/Preschoolers ♡Based on The Nine Learning Experiences Samples ♡Resource Collection Tips & SAMPLES+ TIPS FOR PASSING THE OBSERVATION VISIT AND EXAM! SELF-PACED, Pre-recorded 1h 23 min step-by-step course and Templates!

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